March 11, 2003 - 6:02 am

::: [ click here ] :::

my neighbor's dog - Pete ::: >>> { click here } ::: i meaN � ehm � er � please disregard any of these unintentionaL bit from spammaiL { Indian Love Farm } ::: it appears that i have coMe down w/ soMe sort of virus of something that is { Learn more } provoking this sort of hypertexturizatioN of my speech & my written works ::: please forgive me � i have { Earn money online } no control over this at the moment ::: i wilL schedule sooN to see my PCP to hopefully remedy this dire situation { Lose weight now } ::: >>>

::: [ click here ] :::

welL ::: needles to say my friends i did take care of the little situation that has been pestering me for a little tiMe now ::: >>>

my neighbor's dog Pete apparently p!ssed alL over my Segway HT device ::: i know this because they occasionally chain him to the tree on the sidewalk just in front of the apartments � & � { click here } i was bringing up my groceries � making several trips up [ 6 bags looped around the wrist whilst riding the HT can get to be a bit much i might add { Eliminate your debt } ] & when i returned to the HT after my first huff & puff return from the second flooR � there was a puddle of suspicioN & the remaining moisture trickling down the mainshaft � & poor little chained up Pete looking back at me w/ the sad look of guilt [ slight waggering of the tail nonetheless { 5 Ways to Dracut } ] ::: this � as you caN imagine � made me veRy angry at hiM � & so i gave him a look & brought the remainder of my groceries upstairs { webcam fantasies } ::: >>>

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moRe data-transmissioNs concerning the resolutioN to this HT p!ssing incidents sooN to follow ::: >>>


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March 06, 2003 - 10:24 pm

the perfect soundtrack ::: >>>


go buy it now on the amaZoN ::: >>>un-fr!kkeN-believable ::: i sweaR oN my souL that this soundtrack heRe — the score to the movie 'punch drunk love' — is the perfect audio accompaniment to the perfect motion picture ::: stunning masterpiece of alL sensory perceptive arenas { i kid you not } ::: >>>

it reminds me of the fellini soundtracks that oftentiMes replay oveR & oveR on my mind ::: you know the simple melody over very waltzy acoustic grooves & such ::: but theN they bring it up to speed w/ the 90s by adding in these rather electronic percussive sectioNs — noise-driveN dissonances of modurn disjointed living &/or existence — completely descriptive of the Barry Egan character — you know? — alL edgy — lonley paranoid — not empty, but soMewhat removed yet soMehow remarkably streetsmart about everythiNg — everythiNg but love { that is } ::: >>>

& theN theRe is the maiN theMe that repeats — the wonderfully childishly haunting 'he needs me' — also fantastically hypnotizing iN its playfuL climb-falL-cliMb-falL-cliMb lyrical riding ::: veRy craZy — you know? — so complete & honest & reaL ::: >>>

'waikki' and the rather elvis-bluesy number both rip it into a timeless modernisM at that ::: but overalL — the instrumentaL pieces that are strewn w/ fiNe acoustic drumkit timbrellings just make for nice suspense filLed commutertiMe musik — perfect perfect perfect ::: >>>

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