April 07, 2003 - 4:03 pm

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shock & awe ::: raZzle daZZle theM ::: is this just the coincideNce — or did desert storm II & chicago get released up around the saMe tiMefraMe on purposes? ::: >>>

we have the chemical ali found & goNe now ::: the media waR continues upoN the stage of warfare ::: the theatre of warfare — the hummers driving left & right out & about downtowN bagdad my friends ::: thiNgs seeM good — almost a bit too good — no? ::: >>>

aNyhow — calL me the paranoid — but i aM nervous for the soldiers & whatnot ::: alL this talk of high barium levels on the desert shield I people returning from the gulf waR ::: it makes me nervous on the soldiers over there today ::: >>>

i aM not a humble maN : i aM not a holy maN : i am not a good maN or a saiNt — or even a disciple { click here — hot anal actioN } : but my heart & prayers go out to the soldiers overseas — the liberatioN forces : the protectors of the US ::: i hope they accomplish what they must & that they returN to the homeland unharmed to rejoiN their lives once again ::: saturday at the shoppingmalL { claiM your prize } — emails & cappucinos ::: hip hop & sabado gigante ::: we pray for you ::: our prayers are w/ you ::: >>>


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March 28, 2003 - 6:23 am

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warNing warNing ::: wilL robinsoN ::: danger ::: >>> hello agaiN brothers & sisters of the new consciousness collectiVe ::: i aM having slight reactioNs to the onslaught of media concerNing this attack on Iraq { it's me } ::: i don't know what to think aNymoRe ::: it's so painfully cleaR to me that this waR is not being fought w/ airplaNes — this waR is not being fought by land or sea or aiR — this waR is not being fought by soldiers [ welL it is — i know it is — i aM not completely inside my own nutshelL as to not realize the realities of soldiers on both sides & civilians on their side fighting & crawling & dying & such for their lives for the conept of 'freedom' or 'liberation' or whatever it is : people are dying — yes? ] — this waR is not being fought by tanks — nor by jeeps — not eveN by the hummers [ aren't the hummers cooL? i meaN — the name implies such privately giveN niceties i know — but just that biggest of the big-asS mothertrucks alL driviNg around cold lampin' & such : what a chick-magnet — no? ] ::: >>>


| this waR is being fought by the media |

| this war is a waR of concepts |

| of ideologies |

| of religioNs |

| it is a waR being disguised |

| this waR is being fought by the media |

| i repeat |

| this war is being fought by the media |

{ refinance now }

| this war if being fought through propaganda |

| fought by cnn : cnbc : the home shopping network |

| this war is being fought by reporters & politiciaNs |

| it is a waR concerning philosophy — or rather — philosophies |

| i repeat |

| this waR is being fought by the media |

| a media waR |

| fought by media whoRes |

| inna world obsessed w/ up-to-the-minute updates |

| reality TV |

| judgement |

| & petty junior-high school-like mentalities |

| this waR is about marketing |

| marketing democracy |

| democracy for the person by the person |

| unilateral democracy |

| marketing freedom ( w/ b_mbs ) |

| marketing liberation ( let us do you a favor ) |

| marketing |

| theRe aRe moRe thaN 2-sides to the truth |

| multi-faceted — yes — truth is complex & multi-faceted |

| we wilL neveR know the truth |

| we wilL neVeR know a moment of truth |


marketing — through the slant of each & every media coverage of this event { snow white & the 7 dwarves } — shapes the opinions of the people — makes them walk to the streets like slaves like zombies like the brainwashed citizens we have becoMe — marketing — the media — makes it difficult to decide which way to be ::: marketing — the media — propaganda shapes the spirits oN both sides of the sandstorm fence — give us the inspiration to move forward & onward — gives us the wilL to fight or draiNs us of our spoonfed causes ::: >>>

marketing wilL determiNe whether a US victory — if eventually the US wins — marketing wilL determiNe whether or not 'our union is strong & our cause is just' — or if our cause is just wrong ::: >>>

alL i have to say is that we better find the wmd mighty fast my friends if we want to save face in this world { meet your soulmate } ::: otherwise we aRe caught w/ our pants down at the flea market on a sunday afternooN ::: >>>


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