April 25, 2002 - 4:20 pm

anotheR fortuNe i found on my keyboard at work ::: >>> what do theSe thiNgs meaN? ::: >>>

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April 24, 2002 - 2:19 pm


1 think i absolutely cannot stand on is when i go to delete the items in my 'Deleted Items' folder in ms outlook & by mistake i overmouse a bit & get the 'Advanced Find' feature ::: this really steams me — i cannot even begin to explain the infuriation that begins to exhume me ::: >>>

but — anyhow — this is minor things — i know — not a big deal in the grand scheme of thiNg ::: but stilL — the minor annoyance caused by bad application interface planning ::: i would uninstall my outlook right now lickety split — but — we must have the email — no?

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