April 30, 2002 - 10:26 am

soMe of the mystery : perhaps explaiNed ::: >>>


& now there is thiS mysterious drawing i see upoN the walL near the desktop ::: soMe sort of intergalactic superhero i am sure of it ::: i do not know who this is or if this will help me to identify my kidnappers or not ::: i have been riddled w/ the reason of my abductioN ::: has this soMething to do w/ the fingers? � the lady w/ the eyepatch? � any of many strange & recent experiences i have had in the office restrooms? � what exactly is going on here? � where did i turn wrong in life? ::: >>>

anyhow � i wrote upon the 'hungry?' paper w/ a black magic marker i found on the desk my big fat 'yes' & theN a simple 'perhaps a sandwich would be nice' to suggestively selL the concept to the kidnappers � a quick slide beneath the door & since then no response no response ::: >>>

i am getting quite hungry indeed : perhaps they tease me : meanwhile i update to you via the desktop near the little fan & security camera device ::: >>>

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April 30, 2002 - 8:06 am

soMe of the mystery : perhaps explaiNed ::: >>>


if you are wondering 'what has happened to sinus? : where is he? : why does he not write more on his website?' � then let me explain this to you ::: soMe people have takeN me away ::: i don't understand what happens to me ::: >>>

as i waS leaving work last thursday eveNing � i exited thru the back door � by the dumpsters ::: cool nighttime air hit my face in a refreshing welcome back to the outdoors after a 10 hour stint of workaday life at the office ::: i hear soMe strange yelling [ extremely incoherent & almost football call-like in its vigor & illiteracy ] & theN alL is dark ( welL � darkeR than the early evening outside at least ) � a potato burlap sack of sorts somehow pulled down over my head neck shoulders & torso & theN i feel 2 or 3 people grabbing & pulling me about � they tie a rope to seal off the lower portions of the restraining sackage ::: theN the strangest of strange things occurs � the group backs away a bit [ although i sense they are still theRe � whoever they aRe ] � & there is a full minute to 5 minutes of no actioN � & theN � i feeL many elastics being shot at me, pelting the outer portions of the burlapbag ::: i do alL that i caN to avoid further mathclass embarassments & flail about running to & fro until apparently i collide w/ the brick walL of my officebuilding & pasS out ::: >>>

::: who are theSe people? ::: what is going on? :::

i do not know how much tiMe elapses ::: but then i awake in an entirely different environment : i am no longer outside or near my work [ at least as far as i can telL ] : i am in a small rooM � no windows � a small faN spinning on a desk next to a computer monitor � the burlapbag is on the floor next to me � i am on the floor & seeM to have been asleep for hours � i wipe the drool off from the lefthandside of my face � everythiNg is a bit blurry to me [ my glasses aRe nearby on the flooR ] � theRe is an office chair [ a veRy comfortable relax the back looking seat indeed ] � a crap transistor radio [ soMe simple area radio statioN quietly filling the space of the rooM ] � not much adorning the cool grey concrete walls � a nature calendar, stilL displaying march 2002, the platypus, soMe benign encyclopedia information written along the bottom of the photograph � soMe scraps of paper oN the walL, scribbles, indecipherable � a take out menu or 2 here or there on the walL as welL � no phoNe in the rooM however � & � it appears they have takeN away my cellphone � in the corner of the rooM i notice a security camera quietly combing the rooM back & forth & theN stopping � i hear a bit of crumpling & look over toward the door � & there � on the floor � a scrap of paper coming thru bottom at the foot � i pick up the piece of paper & only to read the word 'hungry?' ::: >>>

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