June 10, 2006 - 9:30 am

ok my friends — i do not think i have made the mentioN oN this before — but — i have bumped across oNce agaiN the onliNe insaNe geniuS of this new media artist and designer named Ze Frank ::: >>>

his latest thiNg froM what i caN see is a vLog — or video blog — that is simply called 'the show' ::: there is also another associated naMe for these vLogs — aka — also known as 'fabuloso' ::: very entertaiNing — Ze Frank is a master at his craft & knows froM the inside out — froM head to toe — froM loin to groiN & back agaiN — he knows what works oNliNe & he briNgs it [ if you know what i talk about here ] ::: the editiNg is super perfect — his delivery is eMasterful — theRe appear to be multiple personalities employed throughout the 5 to 10 minutes per episodic slot — & Ze Frank manages to fully direct each piece & make it seeM so easy, almost live [ but obviously not, theRe must be lots of tiMe spent writing, shooting, editing, honing, carving & producing these pieces ] ::: oN fridays Ze delivers | broadcasts | vlogcasts the 'friday fabuloso' which is 'the show' as written by the virtual audience out theRe ... & it is well-worth watchiNg alL of it — just foR the variety of facial expressioNs Ze produces ::: >>>

you need to see theSe ::: most hit the news of the day ::: he reports iN an entertaiNing way that is immediate, poignant & under it alL — he makes soMe good poiNts oN the political | socio side of the thiNgs ::: & if this oNe, the 'fabuloso', doesn't briNg you into the Ze Frank super duper eFan club, then perhaps this other 'Communication #1' will show you the power of Ze ::: >>>

no — not really ::: i know that the hollywood movie studios found this to be perfect tiMiNg to release the remake of The Omen movie — & i aM sure it was good excuses foR people wanting to cause mayheck & heM to out there & spraypaint dirty words oN the side of buses that briNg the elderly to the malL oN the middle of the day [ they have senior citizen discount — & they gonna use it ] ::: but besides that — it was the equivalent of a Friday the 13th or soMesiNg [ not the movie — The Omen is not like the Friday the 13th show by aNy meaNs necessary or necessarily — welL, i'm not sure actually — i haven't seeN theM side by side for a quick comparisoN review or anything — so don't take words oN theM or aNything — aight? ] ::: but i guess what i'M gettiNg oN is this ::: it was a day to make aN excuses — right? ::: if soMesiNg went bad oN the devil numbers day — theN maybe it was a cosmological numerology issues — no? & not the fact that you just have the bad lucks — bad luck oN the duck they say, no? ::: >>>



what if jesus christ were a duck? ::: this is the questioN that coMes to mind — that perplexes me — that keeps me up nights & weekends — that makes me continue my dirty habit oN the crest whitestrips ::: if christ were a duck — hmmMMmmMMm — what would have beeN so utterly different? ::: >>>

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: walking oN water wouldn't have beeN so miraculous i guess ::: & neither would have beeN the 10 commandments or briNgiNg back the whale froM the dead or building the big boats ::: it would have alL beeN the ducks ::: ducks & goats my friends — ducks & goats ::: >>>


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June 07, 2006 - 5:58 am

now ::: ok ::: we alL made it through yesterday, no? ::: "& what was yesterday, SiNuS?" you might be askiNg oN youR web monitoR right now my friend ... well — if you cannot do the maths — yesterday was the 6th of June oN 2006 — the devil's number — ooh — i aM sh!ttiNg oN my pants — ooh — superscary, no? ::: >>>

no — not really ::: i know that the hollywood movie studios found this to be perfect tiMiNg to release the remake of The Omen movie — & i aM sure it was good excuses foR people wanting to cause mayheck & heM to out there & spraypaint dirty words oN the side of buses that briNg the elderly to the malL oN the middle of the day [ they have senior citizen discount — & they gonna use it ] ::: but besides that — it was the equivalent of a Friday the 13th or soMesiNg [ not the movie — The Omen is not like the Friday the 13th show by aNy meaNs necessary or necessarily — welL, i'm not sure actually — i haven't seeN theM side by side for a quick comparisoN review or anything — so don't take words oN theM or aNything — aight? ] ::: but i guess what i'M gettiNg oN is this ::: it was a day to make aN excuses — right? ::: if soMesiNg went bad oN the devil numbers day — theN maybe it was a cosmological numerology issues — no? & not the fact that you just have the bad lucks — bad luck oN the duck they say, no? ::: >>>



what if jesus christ were a duck? ::: this is the questioN that coMes to mind — that perplexes me — that keeps me up nights & weekends — that makes me continue my dirty habit oN the crest whitestrips ::: if christ were a duck — hmmMMmmMMm — what would have beeN so utterly different? ::: >>>

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: walking oN water wouldn't have beeN so miraculous i guess ::: & neither would have beeN the 10 commandments or briNgiNg back the whale froM the dead or building the big boats ::: it would have alL beeN the ducks ::: ducks & goats my friends — ducks & goats ::: >>>


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May 26, 2006 - 4:15 pm

ok ::: listen ::: i just got back froM lunch on the malL during my lunchtiMe break � right? � & so heRe is the observatioN & questioNs foR you regardiNg a receNt � though not too recent � trend iN the clothiNg foR the young ladies ::: >>>

ok ::: theRe is now writiNgs | words | what have you | across the buttocks of sweatpants & other sporty attire ::: you see this thiNgs alL the tiMe, right? ::: & how, as you aRe trying to read aloNg while windowshopping, how aRe you supposed to read this thiNgs? ::: my personal translatioN is � the rule i caN thiNk of to suggest to you is this � you say or read aloud the word upoN the ass � & theN you say the word ::: so ... foR aN instaNce ... if the word is 'Pink' [ which seeMs to have soMe popularities, no? ] you would read out loud 'Pink ... ass' ::: it is vital & important to leave a bit of hesitatioN ... at least as caN be seeN froM my own ginormous guesstimates ::: other popular oNes might be easily converted to assSpeak according to the schema to achieve the following spoken word monologue walks ::: 'faNtasy ... ass' � 'hooker ... ass' � 'ghetto ... ass' � 'abercrombie ... ass' � & so on ::: >>>

if you want to & you have the tiMe, let me know what writiNgs you've seeN out theRe recently ::: >>>

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May 05, 2006 - 11:50 am

ok, like, happy cinco de mayo to you alL ::: i hope you are out there enjoying the margaritas [ on the rocks w/ salt, yes? ], having crazy unprotected intercouse outdoors on this fiNe, fiNe day, yes? ::: if not, if you are perhaps stuck oN the office like i aM now, i hope that if this is not the case, that you are at least thinking of these things & enjoying your dirty little life ::: ah, yes ... they caN control youR transfer rate, no? but they cannot yet control the thoughts, no they cannot ::: >>>

::: so now & next oN the agenda ::: back to some projects, no? ::: yes, ok ::: so, i have beeN working on the 'AskSiNuS Q+A Desktop Engine' the beta version now for a bit & hopefully this wilL be available for dowNloadiNg soon [ i cannot control the feature creep, what can you do, what can you do? ] ::: i wilL let you know wheN it is up & ready oN the projects page of my site ::: but also theN & moRe importantly i ask that you go to losercool on the cafe press and see if you are interested in buying soMe wares ::: the idea is simple � theRe is a great balance iN the world, no? & oftentiMes the success of oNe persoN or party is directly proportionaL to the failuRe or loss of anotheR directly competing persoN or party ::: why not help out youR owN cause by reinforcing these concepts through t-shirt messaging, writing oN a coffeecup, or through other slightly subliminal meaNs ::: subversive suggestioNings caN be quite powerfuL indeed & caN help promote your owN personal victory iN life, love & the pursuit of cooL clothing & merchandis ::: visit losercool onliNe today ::: >>>

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February 16, 2006 - 2:59 pm

something tells me � little birdies say � that something really good is going to happen sooN ::: >>>

i aM not sure why i am receiving this particular signal lately as it is usually quite the opposite iN my bones that haunts and pervades � i aM usually confronted oN a daily basis with the grand concept that the buildings wilL falL dowN alL around me [ muchlike a famous Keatonian windstorM ] that plaNes wilL divebomb my computer lab that women wilL spit at me iN the supermarket that kittens wilL attack & scratch my ears & eyes ::: >>>

but today � & as of late � i have had a premonition of goodness � a feeling that alL is welL � & that a cosmological wave of good fortune & happiness is about to casually tap me oN the shoulder & say 'hey, how's it goin'?' ::: >>>

::: but anyhow :::

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September 08, 2005 - 3:01 pm

lately i am having particular difficulty w/ my digestive track — i don't know if its the nerves or some intestinal flu or something like this — but for whatever reasons i almost immediately have to go to the bathroom right after eating something — a post-meal reaction almost always occurs in such a way that i can feel the quivering & the quavering, a gurlging down below ::: >>>

i'm not sure why this is happening to me ::: like i said, perhaps this is the autumntime nerves, the jitters of some sort or another, yes? i do not know — & my uneducated speculations make hide nor hair of the dilemma nor do i feel a continual introspective speculative process to be particularly helpful — although i certainly have plenty of time on the throne set aside to think during the other automatic activities my body is putting me through ::: >>>

but this is on another day ::: >>>

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July 17, 2005 - 3:14 pm

welL welL welL ::: the latest phase, the new technology, yes yes, this & that is right, we have ODEO dot com ... the new way to Listen, Sync, Create ... right online ::: this is the up & coming latest & the greatest resource for putting up the podcasts we alL keep hearing on, yes? ::: & my proposal to you, let's drive the television medias down onto the toilet while the opportunity is a little under ripe ... let's take the power of telling it like it is away from bigtime funding megalomaniacs like ClearChannel & the govenment subsidized entertainment-driven drivel-based distractions of the major networks & give that power then to the common man, educated or not, to express opinions, thoughts, observations & the like via the ODEOconnectedness that will help organize & facilitate downloadedness of the power of individualization everywhere for everyone — flying through the night without an editor or without contraptions of constriction, no more of this or that, saying and playing what is only suitable for the daily consumption of the people, and perhaps open up & say 'ah' to the new way, open your mind & say 'ah' ... here comes the choo choo ...

so now too, just so that you know, there is no more excuses for you my friends, my little citizens & revolutionaries of the world wide web we weave ... you can get a cheap microphone & make a podcast this way, or use your laptop microphone, or even call in to ODEO and use voicemail technologies over streaming VOiP connections to create your very own podcasting ... i would do it right now, ok? seriously ... why are you stilL reading this? is it only because i typed the word 'tits' down below in all capital letters on it's very own line? please, stop reading this and try out the ODEO cookies ... eh?


ok — so aren't you glad you clicked on that one, eh? you loved it, didn't you ... just don't click on the one from Pauly Shore ... i just don't like him all that much, he's not terribly funny [ & he's supposed to be the comedian, right? ] ... ok, so the podcasting allows perhaps too many people to just put out anything ... but i think it can help us ... i honestly do ... there will be drivel & nonsense & much more 'reality' than we can handle into this century aNy further, but it will help us determine & judge in our own American ways what is the truth & where the quality of our society resides, & i have the sneaking suspicioN that the value-add we wilL alL find in our corporaLineaR closets lives & breathes in the rights & mindsets of the individual ...


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