May 02, 2002 - 10:36 am

soMe of the mystery : perhaps explaiNed ::: >>>


welL ::: still a very poor connection � very little i am able to surf to right now w/ any speedy satisfaction ::: i will go back to sleep for a bit i think [ keeping my eyes on the security camera ] ::: >>>

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May 02, 2002 - 8:43 am

soMe of the mystery : perhaps explaiNed ::: >>>


now i don't know what the helL is going on ::: suddenly my connection got really slow ::: this pisses on me ::: i can't tolerate this sort of shenanigan ::: i am extremely upset now � pacing back on forth � giving the angry stares at the security camera device ::: they cannot treat me on this way ::: >>>

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May 02, 2002 - 6:49 am

soMe of the mystery : perhaps explaiNed ::: >>>


they now seeM to be monitoring me more & more often ::: the security camera device scans the rooM more frequently w/ its calm electronic & mechanical pannings ::: occasionally too � i now hear again & more often the muffled voices of my keepers outside of the door � voices & crazy laughter � the laughter is as if sped up � as if my abductors have sucked down much helium � a sort of psycho-munchkin-maniacal giggling always somewhat muffled thru the only door to the rooM ::: >>>


all i can do is sit here & worry � sit here & surf online � either for answers or for entertainment ::: i am safe as long as i clean up my cookies & internet temp file directories ::: >>>

more to coMe : i feel very unsafe here [ i will write more shortly � or should i say 'soon i will write summore'? ] ::: >>>

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