January 11, 2005 - 3:34 pm





it's not on your business why i have beeN away for so long — it's not even the thing i caN explaiN to myself or to aNyoNe neaR or next to me if you catch my draft ::: >>>



i should give Lee Todd Lacks a call ::: >>>



they caMe to steaL me away ::: yes ::: i seeM to remember maNy people who were surround me ::: i didn't know what to doO ::: they knocked me dowN & smashed my glasses ::: they were speaking a dialect that waS strange to me — soMething foreign to my ears & almost otherearthly if at alL possible ::: on my hands & knees i investigated the ground of my near & immediate vicinity for the remaiNs of my shattered spectacles ::: a life without sight — i wouldn't know what to do ::: >>>

little laughters — mumbling & little laughters ::: i cut my hands i cut my knees i found myself up against the walL & felt something pinch me on the buttocks — just a little prickle of pinchings really ::: & theN i got dizzy & the rooM grew dark ::: >>>



soMe swampmusic & the dilly blue darkness ::: >>>


a spiralling abyss ::: chocolate taffy to my ears ::: why o why did my little dog go? ::: what was alL of this? where did it alL go ::: the whole malicious drone of internet publishing ::: everything froM 1994 onward seeMed silly & distant & like a collective dreaM ::: alL of my cottoN was stoleN ::: alL of my dreaMs were real ::: everything real was rotteN agaiN & everyoNe knows it's slinky ::: >>>


i woke up alL dressed in black you were alL dressed in black ::: i was under the kitchen table w/ a reedy breeze chilling the apartment so ::: i apparently had beeN out of it for a while as the scent of wild rain mingles with the funk of tiMe elapsed & goNe ::: i aM slightly sweaty about the collar & sleeves ::: i aM attached by little wires running froM my neck to the phonejack for soMe reasoN ::: >>>


the wires pop out easily & i begin to spot w/ blood froM the area of attachment ::: i aM stilL having a hard tiMe seeing [ everything is a blur ] but i can sense that my glasses aRe ok — a bit cracked still but ok ::: theRe aRe cuts & spots of blood & the floor has a strange shine to it ::: but i feeL healthy ::: the apartment is stilL apparently smoke-free ::: i heaR soMe sirens build & theN slowly evaporate as they pass outside my window ::: >>>




::: ha ha hah :::





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August 18, 2004 - 11:02 pm

another gloomy day not a cloud in the sky alL passersby too busy to smile or whisper sweet salutations : i spent most of my day indoors of course — grinding away at the database work once again — a tinkerer of the cybernetic — checking in on the clusters — pushing stored procedures — simultaneously supporting multiple subsystems — cranking the machine that stirs the eDrink of corporate america indeed ::: >>>

not much in the way of tremendous life-changing work today though i must add mittens on that one my friends : rather uneventful : i took a quick drive at lunchtime — tried to see how far i could drive away from the workbuilding & back alL within 60 minutes of the noontiMe lunch hour — & wheN the misery ruNs high you can get rather far away my friends : it seeMed like i was in Laconia by the tiMe my halfway point arrived — & sadly enough, i knew i must return to the bump & grind the little jizzy my boo that we alL calL work yes yes my friends my brothers & sisters of slovenia & forth agaiN ::: >>>

i do hope to hear good news about the sound of Dolphins soon ::: i have been personally doing extra-curricular reseach into the possible meanings behind the clicks & clack of our sub-oceanic mammal friends of the deep ::: my personal theories might astound you — but i reveal them to you now ::: you may think i am a bit on the deep end of things — that perhaps i smoked too much of the yeti pipe & tramped about too much in the bogs of the sasquatch — but — my theory is this :


the dolphins — our cetaceous benign cousins of the deep — have special time-space communication & relations to the greys ::: please — do not laugh — or — if you are laughing right now — calm right the frik dowN — ok? ::: not only do the dolphins channel in a nearly direct manner w/ extra terrestrial beings — but — on most days & when the oceans are not too terribly cold — they assist these benificent aliens [ little angels froM outer space — quite literally so ] in carrying out their wilL & missioNs ::: oftentiMes they report back to the mothership [ perhaps circling within a planetreach or 2 to us ] through telepathy & swimwater patternistic cuneiform ::: soMetiMes — the government in conjunction w/ PBS & other television programming wilL broadcast shows about dolphins & their advanced intelligence & aquatic lifestyles [ can dogs get aids? & what about other mammals? ] ::: these prograMs sometiMes contaiN hidden messages — codes — signals for the media masses to react to ::: i know that oftentiMes i get a feeling of hypothermic nostalgia wheN watching the infamous series 'Flipper' on the rerun late late at night on streaMing video through my laptop ::: just the title track alone gets me alL goosebumps alL over the place — no? ::: >>>


i should give Lee Todd Lacks a call ::: >>>




::: ha ha hah :::



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August 17, 2004 - 11:14 pm

it's the absolutely insane ::: if & when you think on it — no? ::: i meaN ::: so much is going on in the world ::: the homes of elderly black people are being forcibly searched by the government ::: Iraq a brittle spiral of chaos & neverending misery ::: people are still getting together & listening to country music while sucking dowN a right nice jug 'o' fresh done moonshiNe ::: aNy political opposition is either forced to demonstrate from within a cage or questioNed by the FBI ::: retail establishments of all shapes & sizes are being forced to close due to ecommerce & a failing US economy ::: the cost of the crest whitestrips is not declining nearly fast enough ::: politics become more & more disparate & bipolar oftentimes resorting to sensationalism to sway the general outlook of a nation ::: as many as 50,000 people may have died from hunger and disease resulting from fighting in western Sudan ::: smoking is still banned in Boston & throughout most of Massachusetts in general ::: less & less of the masses of our nation live with the protection of healthcare benefits ::: the rich keep getting richer & the poor getting poorer my friends ::: & perhaps alL this swish & swander — alL of tonight's top stories & more — are only told to distract us froM the real big underlying issues facing alL of humanity during these tiMes of strife & sorrow ::: >>>


:::::::::::::::::::::::: slowly but surely :::::::::::::::::::::::: >>>


::::::::::::::: creatures froM another planet :::::::::::::: >>>



:::::::::: aRe stealing away little earthlings! :::::::::::: >>>





& we can't do a thing about it



::: ha ha hah :::


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