December 24, 2003 - 2:58 pm

::: ho ho ho ::: >>>

funky dollaR bilL ::: >>>


not much or maNy things going on right now right now ::: just hanging out waiting for the maN to coMe [ so to speak so to speak so ] ::: >>>

& so ::: this is how the cookies crumble ::: topped with the icecreaM — no? ::: always & neverendiNg ::: always a return to the hoMeland ::: the hoMeland security no doubt at that beiNg seeMingly threateNed by those with interests iN crushiNg the econoMy of theSe states ::: oh the horror oh the fear — & oh so close to the holidays my friends my comrads ::: >>>

such a scary tiMes — no? ::: >>>

& you — what do you do to celebrate the holidays? ::: what is your 'business as usual' that you carry oN with at theSe joyous tiMes midst-winter & such ::: do telL ::: >>>

sinus does veRy little to celebrate ::: soMe yeaRs i go back hoMe to meet w/ my parents & close relatives ::: soMe yeaRs i celebrate w/ the co-workers, visiting their hoMe & dining w/ theM at their generous offer & request ::: 3 or 4 tiMes i have celebrated the yuletiMe w/ my good friend mar von jaNko — drinkiN' cider jack — watching reruns of the Laverne & Shirley televisioN show [ i love the Lenny & Squiggy guys — they aRe a vertible laugh riots — no? ] — eatiNg pies & cakes & drinkiNg freshly made espressos until my eyes almost burst right out of the sockets ::: listening to christmas carols & wipiNg away the condensatioN froM the steaM oN windowpaNes ::: >>>

but — what do i know? ::: what do i do? ::: i do little to celebrate the holidays anymoRe — i stilL listeN to my phonograph christmassoNgs & smile & reminisce about the past the present the future imperfect ::: if aNythiNg — i do talk to my neighbors moRe ofteN — coMing in & leaving the foyerway of the apartment complex — takiNg iN the smells of bakiNg & happineSs ::: >>>


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December 19, 2003 - 11:58 pm

tick tock & you don't stop ::: >>>


welL welL welL ::: what do we haVe heRe ::: anotheR incarnatioN of the mixed-media miscreant site itself — liVe & oN the aiR at httP:// ::: >>>

yes — thiS is right that is left & true ::: chapteR 5 finds us with rosS nestled up inside the neaR-tundricK tundrickness of portland, maine ::: it feels like a foreveR siNce i have seen this amaziNg artiste extraordiNaiRe liVe & oN the flesh [ or eveN iN his owN hoMegrowN porno videotapes — you know? ] ::: but alas ::: life lives oN & we travel like rivulets of flesh & tiMe iN this & that way heRe to theRe & back heRe agaiN [ & soMetiMes beyond ] ::: >>>


i sadly missed the annuaL mobius artrages fund-raising party extravaganZa [ if aNyoNe haS eyewitness review of the happenings & goings-oN at this yearly mind-funk art jaM in 4D — please doO emaiL me w/ youR review ( & let me know if i caN theN post it heRe oN this website oR otherwise — i truly love the artrages the mobius & thoSe trippy events that make life split the mourning crust iN youR eyes w/ sheeR joy ) ] ::: >>>


aNyhow ::: alL i know is that i miss rosS & his amaziNgly amaziNg guitar-playing & collaborative experimentalnesS iN the performaNce realM ::: & i misS the radio pu gaNg & alL the amaziNgly amaziNg performaNce trips we took oN the milky way & w/ the Scara's Night Out ::: much fuN much fuN & happinesSes ::: yes ::: >>>

aNyhow ::: >>>


enough about me ::: how about you? ::: what's goiN' oN w/ you? ::: >>>

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