April 04, 2002 - 7:46 am


please suggest a new national tagline heRe ::: >>>


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April 04, 2002 - 6:24 am


antigirl ::: please come out & play agaiN ::: >>>i am a bit worried about the young lady at antigirl.nu ::: i used to go online to read her daily informationaL gatherings & now — since the 911 incident — her site reflects an electronic paralysis of sorts ::: >>> i cannot blame her of course — we live in a much scarier place than anyoNe could imagine i am sure : there are thiNgs that are probably not reported on the news — evil things that happen upon a daily basis — such nightmares that even the most evil terrorist organizations could not fathom i am sure of it ::: we are not safe — we never truly were safe — freedom is merely a concept — an illusion of sorts ::: a sort of circus sideshow promise at this point i would say ::: if anyone can get on a plaNe w/ a shoebomb or a boxcutter — then how free can we feel as we play practice our daily lives? : 1 thing is for sure — i believe people care for each other a bit more since the big terrorist attack : nommore of this taking each other for granted : those who have loved ones in their lives know how delicately we dance upon the earth ::: >>>


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